[smartmontools-support] SMART Usage Attribute: 7 Seek_Error_Rate changed from 100 to 200
Gandalf Corvotempesta
2017-03-19 11:56:34 UTC
I'm getting the following in syslog:

Mar 19 01:52:50 x smartd[5280]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART Usage
Attribute: 7 Seek_Error_Rate changed from 200 to 100
Mar 19 01:52:50 x smartd[5280]: Device: /dev/sdb [SAT], SMART Usage
Attribute: 7 Seek_Error_Rate changed from 200 to 100
Mar 19 01:52:50 x smartd[5280]: Device: /dev/sdc [SAT], SMART Usage
Attribute: 7 Seek_Error_Rate changed from 200 to 100
Mar 19 08:22:50 x smartd[5280]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART Usage
Attribute: 7 Seek_Error_Rate changed from 100 to 200
Mar 19 08:22:50 x smartd[5280]: Device: /dev/sdc [SAT], SMART Usage
Attribute: 7 Seek_Error_Rate changed from 100 to 200
Mar 19 08:52:51 x smartd[5280]: Device: /dev/sdb [SAT], SMART Usage
Attribute: 7 Seek_Error_Rate changed from 100 to 200
Mar 19 09:22:50 x smartd[5280]: Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART Usage
Attribute: 7 Seek_Error_Rate changed from 200 to 100
Mar 19 09:22:50 x smartd[5280]: Device: /dev/sdb [SAT], SMART Usage
Attribute: 7 Seek_Error_Rate changed from 200 to 100
Mar 19 09:22:50 x smartd[5280]: Device: /dev/sdc [SAT], SMART Usage
Attribute: 7 Seek_Error_Rate changed from 200 to 100

as you can see, all drives are getting the same change at the same
time for the same value.
Pretty strange.

Is this a bug or something is happening ?

Disks are pretty new, only about 5600 hours.
