[smartmontools-support] Are Long tests Really Needed on SSD
Lorne Wanamaker
2016-03-16 15:23:50 UTC
Hello All,

I have been learning some about smartmontools and had a couple of
questions. I have a personal server running RAID 10 SSD (Intel 830 i
think). I am wondering are the long self tests really needed for SSD
drives? Is there any negative side effect regarding lifespan of the SSD for
these tests.

The configuration I have come up with is:

/dev/twa0 -d sat+megaraid,4 -H -l selftest -l error -s
(O/../.././(00|06|12|18)|S/../.././01|L../../5/01) -m ***@bar.com
/dev/twa0 -d sat+megaraid,5 -H -l selftest -l error -s
(O/../.././(00|06|12|18)|S/../.././01|L../../5/02) -m ***@bar.com
/dev/twa0 -d sat+megaraid,6 -H -l selftest -l error -s
(O/../.././(00|06|12|18)|S/../.././01|L../../5/03) -m ***@bar.com
/dev/twa0 -d sat+megaraid,7 -H -l selftest -l error -s
(O/../.././(00|06|12|18)|S/../.././01|L../../5/04) -m ***@bar.com

This look like a good setup if long tests are needed? While this is a
personal server it does have data on it I absolutely do not want to lose
and would like to be notified if at all possible of a incoming failure.

2016-03-16 21:41:22 UTC
The smart tests are read only, so should it should have no effect on the
SSD's life. Writing is what burns out the cells.

And the best way to be sure you don't lose data is multiple backups, that
you check regularly, and at least one of which is offline except when
using it. Smart won't protect you from controller issues, bad OS commands,
Post by Lorne Wanamaker
Hello All,
I have been learning some about smartmontools and had a couple of
questions. I have a personal server running RAID 10 SSD (Intel 830 i
think). I am wondering are the long self tests really needed for SSD
drives? Is there any negative side effect regarding lifespan of the SSD for
these tests.
/dev/twa0 -d sat+megaraid,4 -H -l selftest -l error -s
/dev/twa0 -d sat+megaraid,5 -H -l selftest -l error -s
/dev/twa0 -d sat+megaraid,6 -H -l selftest -l error -s
/dev/twa0 -d sat+megaraid,7 -H -l selftest -l error -s
This look like a good setup if long tests are needed? While this is a
personal server it does have data on it I absolutely do not want to lose
and would like to be notified if at all possible of a incoming failure.
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