[smartmontools-support] Check power on status
Jon Hardcastle
2008-12-19 10:28:51 UTC
Hi chaps, can anyone tell me what this means?

Device: /dev/sdf, CHECK POWER STATUS spins up disk (0x00 -> 0xff)

Reported in messages

Cheers, and happy merriment's!
N: Jon Hardcastle
E: ***@eHardcastle.com
'..Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful.'
Dan Lukes
2008-12-19 11:21:54 UTC
Post by Jon Hardcastle
Hi chaps, can anyone tell me what this means?
Device: /dev/sdf, CHECK POWER STATUS spins up disk (0x00 -> 0xff)
If the '-n' (skip check if disk in power-save state) requested in smartd
then daemon ask the disk for power mode status. Such message says that
that such question changed the disk status (in your case from STANDBY to

It may be false positive alert - the code sequence related to this
meesage is:

wait 5 seconds
ask again, compare answers, if changed, complain

Unfortunately, the daemon can't recognize if the power-status change has
been caused by first answer, or has been caused by other,
daemon-activities unrelated system event (within those 5 seconds). The
wording of such warning message is strongest than collected evidence ...

If not "false positive" then it may be bug in disk firmware.


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