Post by Christian FrankeDEFAULT \
-n standby \
-a -l xerror -l selfteststs,ns -l offlinests,ns \
-R 5! -r 5! \
-R 177! -r 177! \
-W 3,40,45 -I 190 -I 194 \
-s (S/../../[1-57]/17|L/../../6/17) \
-m console -M daily -M test
It really would be nice if one could control the timing of reports
Christian. As above, I've found that it doesn't matter how often I
test, the running of smartd-notifier remains random. Here's my little log:
2017-01-26_Thu_19:56:28:Device: /dev/sdb [SAT], Self-Test Log error
count increased from 15 to 16
2017-01-28_Sat_08:33:09:Device: /dev/sdb [SAT], 77 Currently unreadable
(pending) sectors
2017-01-28_Sat_12:59:10:Device: /dev/sdb [SAT], Self-Test Log error
count increased from 17 to 18
2017-01-29_Sun_08:55:34:Device: /dev/sdb [SAT], 77 Currently unreadable
(pending) sectors
2017-01-30_Mon_12:38:38:Device: /dev/sdb [SAT], Self-Test Log error
count increased from 19 to 20
... and I'm not sure the 'error count increased' really tells me
anything other than that I still have 77 pending sectors as a have had
for such a long time. I suspect I'm going to try to kill the 'error
count' messages. I just want a report of changes in the actual health
of the disk and I'd like to be able to have those changes reported every
time I do a check of the disk. Why check four times a day when there
might or might not be a message, and that at some unknown time? "smartd
-q onecheck" is verbose about the fact that it might, or might not be
sending a message, but how about a guaranteed message? It's like I can
ask my secretary four times per day if I've missed any calls, but she
might or might not answer me and if she does, it will be at random times
that I can't predict. I'm beginning to think that my disk is actually
perfectly healthy apart from the 77 damaged sectors due to a bump while
it was running.
BTW, I can't clear that error no matter what I do :-/